Prize: Item of choice from the Auction
Cash or Check only
$100 per ticket
Only 100 tickets are available for sale
Drawing will be held during the event at approximately 6:45pm.
If you are not attending the event - You can still Play!!!! Buy your ticket ahead of time. If your number is drawn you will be notified via cell phone # provided on entry ticket. You must answer to select your prize item before the auction closes. OR you can send your ticket stub to the gala with a trusted friend who is attending or a Cornerstone Team member.
Call for details at 612-584-9449 or if no answer 612-220-6671
How to purchase your Golden Ticket prior to the Gala? It's easy - just call or stop by the Center: Please call 612-584-9449 before arriving and we will meet you in the parking lot.
The GOLDEN TICKET is sponsored by Innovative Legacy Solutions
Tony and Andrea Wolf
Prize: 40% of total sales
Cash or Check only
$10 per ticket
We want to sell as many as possible! The more we sell the bigger the pot!
Drawing will be held during the event.
If you are not attending the event - You can still Play!!!! Buy your ticket ahead of time. If your name is drawn you will be notified via cell phone # provided on entry ticket. Your check will be mailed to you. If winning amount is over $600 you will need to provide information for a 1099-MISC for tax year 2021.
How to purchase your Split the Pot prior to the Gala? It's easy - just stop by or call the Center: Please call 612-584-9449 before arriving and we will meet you in the parking lot.
Mystery Gift Card
Prize: Your choice of unmarked gift card
Pay with Cash or Use your Bidder Number
$25 per chance
Winner every time! You can make money at this game!
Gift cards are value at $25 and above. Some as high as $100.
To play just pay the volunteer at the table and pick you card! Prize selected is the prize you win!
Wine and Liquor Pull (AKA: Bagged Bottle Pull)
Prize: A wrapped bottle of wine or liquor
Pay with Cash or Use your Bidder Number
$25 per chance
Winner every time!
Wine is in a red burlap bag. Liquor is a tan burlap bag.
Bottles are of different values, some as high as $40
To play just pay the volunteer at the table and pick a cork! The number on the cork determines the bottle you win. Please note that you cannot open your prize at the event venue.
Punch and Pull
Prize: Whatever lies behind the 'punch' you make
Pay with Cash or Use your Bidder Number
Select your level of play:
$10 Play = Prize value of $10 - $24
$25 Play = Prize value of $25 - $49
$50 Play = Prize value of $50 - $74
$75 Play = Prize value of $75+
Winner every time!
Prizes range from books, golf passes, bowling, Sea Life Aquarium for 4, Fun at the Farm, scratch off tickets, Golden Tickets, Split the Pot Tickets, Frankie's Pizza packs, and more!
To play just pick a level of play and pay the volunteer at the table! Punch! Claim your prize!